Targeted Case Management 

What is Adult Mental Health Case Management?

Individual case management services are designed to assist adults with a serious and persistent mental illness gain access to needed medical, social, educational, vocational and housing services within the community.

Case managers meet with clients at a variety of community locations; including residences that are convenient and easily accessible for those involved in the program.


  • Assistance with accessing and obtaining needed services
  • Assist adults with serious and persistent mental illness gain access and make referrals to needed medical, social, educational, vocational, housing and other necessary services as they relate to the person’s mental health needs
  • Ensure coordination of these services
  • Monitor the delivery of these services

Who is Eligible

  • Adults age 18 or older
  • Adults who are diagnosed with a serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI)


Prior to services, payment or insurance will be authorized. Client must be MA eligible, a county resident, and/or someone whose county of financial responsibility is Becker, Clay, Otter Tail or Pope County.