Pope County’s Drop-In Center

In partnership with the Region 4 South Mental Health Consortium, Lakeland Mental Health Center (LMHC) is the host of the Pope County Drop-In Center.  The Center is located at LMHC’s Glenwood Office at 14th 6th Ave NW, Glenwood MN 56334.

The Community’s Drop- In Center is a safe and supportive place for adultswho experience mental health symptoms to meet, get support and work on acquiring and developing important skills.  The Center is also a place for individuals to socialize with other peers who are experiencing the symptoms of mental illness as well.  The Center hosts a variety of meetings and activities, including formal and informal group meetings and other scheduled activities. 

Individuals will be invited to participate in a variety of social activities that are offered at no cost to them.  The cost of these activities for Drop In Center members is paid for by the Drop In Center.

The Drop-In Center is a place where individuals have access to computers with internet access, media supplies and various mental health resources.  Snacks and beverages are also available at the Center.

Any adults who experience mental health symptoms and resides in Pope County or in any of the counties within Region 4 South (Douglas, Grant, Pope, Stevens and Traverse) are welcome.   These individuals  may bring their family to the Center as well.   For more information, please stop by the Center or contact us by phone.

The Center’s Hours are Wednesday – Friday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.

 14th 6Th Ave NW
 Glenwood MN 56334

Phone: 320-634-3446